There are over 900,000 different kinds of known living insects, and at times, it can feel like they’re all gathered in your yard. Not only is it annoying, but it can also put your health at risk, as some bugs can carry dangerous diseases! The good news is, you don’t have to live with these pesky pests. By being proactive and diligent, you can rid your property of bugs, and not be bothered by buzzing insects whenever you’re enjoying some outdoor time.
Choosing Exterior Colors for Your Home’s Outdoor Areas
Take a drive down any neighborhood, and there’s bound to be at least one or two houses that stand out to you. And chances are, it’s because of the colors the homeowners have chosen. Now think about your own house: is it striking, or does it blend into the homogenous row of homes? If it’s the latter, then it’s time to reconsider your home’s exterior colors. If you don’t know where to start, then relax. We’re here with an extensive guide, so your project will be a success!
15 Landscaping Ideas to Try
Did you know that professional landscaping can add 15-20% more to your home’s value? This can help you get a better price for your property when you decide to sell. Even if a resale isn’t in the near future, landscaping your home has its benefits. For example, you can upgrade your property’s appearance, as well as take advantage of your outdoor living space.
Patio Heater Buying Guide
The weather may have turned colder but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy spending time on your screened-in porch or hardwood deck year-round. Adding a patio heater is a great way to warm the area so you don’t have to go inside when the sun goes down or temperatures drop. Outdoor heated settings allow you […]
Eco Friendly Interior Design Guide – Top Tips
Reused and recycled furniture pieces offer more than just aesthetic appeal. The manufacturing process and materials used in many one-of-a-kind items are good for the planet and right in line with today’s interior decor trends, including both rustic and modern design.
Design tips you can learn from Fallingwater
Here are some interior design tips you can take away from Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic Fallingwater house in Mill Run, Pennsylvania.